What is the best way to learn music production? ICON graduate Bradley Marcus compares learning at a music production school vs. free online tutorials.
Are you interested in breaking into the music industry and becoming a music producer? Educating yourself is a crucial first step towards achieving those goals and improving your skills. However, those seeking to learn music production often find themselves at a crossroad. Should you attend a music production school or continue to self-study through free online resources like YouTube videos , forums, and music blogs?
Choosing how to learn music production depends on your ambitions, learning style, and budget. This guide compares the advantages and disadvantages of learning music production through structured learning at a school vs. self-learning with free online resources.
Most choices in our lives are inevitably ours. With music production education, the same holds true. There are various ways to learn music production. However, the two most common approaches are attending a music production school and watching online tutorials. Fortunately for you reading this, I’ve done both and will lay out the reality of each approach.
Who is teaching you? The Internet has created a vast world for us. We can type into a computer our problem, and with hope, find an answer. However, anyone and everyone can create that answer in the same online universe for all to read. This presents a problem when learning music production online because it’s hard to decipher who knows what they’re talking about and who doesn’t, especially for a beginner.
Why are they teaching you? Many people creating YouTube tutorials are not there to teach you the foundations of music production . Instead, they rather get you to click on their video. It’s common for people to lure you in with enticing content in hopes to get you to pay for more information. These clickbait videos will NOT help you build a foundation in music production. Instead, they might diverge you from learning the proper steps of music production. It’s often hard to find videos that offer legitimate information for free.
However, you may find something interesting and helpful online. Although, if you’re new to the game, you might not understand various lessons, especially when the information is random and scattered. This disorder can often lead you with more questions and perhaps more frustration.
How are they teaching you? The answer will depend on a person-to-person basis. Often, people creating online videos are not actual teachers or experienced music producers. It’s common to waste valuable time watching random, confusing videos.
Self-education is a learning method where you direct the learning process. You control what, when, and how to learn. This approach is a great way to enhance your learning experience while finding your personal style. Moreover, the vast availability of online resources makes self-education a viable learning method for many people.
Who is teaching you ? The people that create structured music production courses are true masters of their craft. They are experienced music producers who are confident enough in their knowledge to build an actual business.
Why are they teaching you? A team who takes the time to create a comprehensive curriculum are usually passionate professionals who truly love their craft. Typically, they have been doing this much longer than the average music producer. This means they have the experience and knowledge to figure out the best ways to teach you.
How are they teaching you? Structured courses are just that, a structured way to set you up for success. You learn the basics and fundamental knowledge while gaining valuable experience. For example, Icon Collective prepares students to become music producers, composers, performers, recording artists, professional DJs, and entrepreneurs in the music industry.
It’s also important to mention these courses offer something even more valuable than knowledge – a community of like-minded artists who love music. At Icon Collective, I learned as much outside of the classroom as in the classroom. For instance, they offer various resources and opportunities, including the chance to pick the brains of peers. Asking questions is an invaluable piece of learning music production. I can tell you there’s no easier way to learn something than having the ability to ask questions.
Music production schools provide an organized and carefully planned out method of learning. They offer structured programs conducted by passionate, qualified instructors who inspire students to achieve their creative goals. Through a structured curriculum, an aspiring artist can accelerate how thoroughly they gain the knowledge, skills, and experience to advance their music and career. Students exposure to various aspects of the music business also prepares them for the complexities and challenges of the music industry.
Although formal education is not always required. Music professionals have become successful without proper training from an accredited school. However, an intensive and structured curriculum will provide the strongest foundation for achieving your musical potential.
Learning is an essential part of artist development. Improve your knowledge by combining structured learning and self-directed learning to develop the skills for a career in the music industry. Between these two methods of education, the rate at which you’ll learn music production will also skyrocket.
Both learning approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to you to determine what path best meets your aspirations, level of motivation, and budget. Although, if you’re serious about making music production your profession, proper investment is a significant first step!