Compression ratios are often the most misunderstood control on a compressor. This beginner’s guide to compression explains what an audio compressor ratio is and how it affects your music.
The compression ratio determines how much gain reduction the compressor applies when the signal passes a threshold level. For example, a ratio of 4:1 means that for every 4 dB the signal rises above the threshold, the compressor will increase the output by 1 dB. Whereas a ratio of 10:1 or higher will make the compressor effectively act as a limiter. However, if the ratio is 1:1, no compression will occur.
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The ratio knob sets the amount of applied compression. The numbers on the knob indicate the ratio of input to output. The higher the ratio, the more extreme the compression. Compressors usually express ratio levels in decibels (dB). For example, with a compression ratio of 2:1, the input signal must cross the threshold by 2 dB for the output level to increase by 1 dB.
However, the available ratios depend on the type and manufacturer of the compressor you’re using. For example, here are basic ratio settings available on most compressors:
Note : All the controls on a compressor work together. It’s best to adjust them in tandem instead of focusing on the ratio knob in isolation. For example, the ratio and threshold work together. Compression only takes place when the signal rises above a set threshold level. The compressor will then lower the level of signals exceeding the threshold level at a ratio set by the ratio control.
There are no specific ratio settings that work best on any particular sound. It would be misleading to list specific ratio settings because every sound and compressor is different. The ratio settings you choose also depend on the source audio, the other compressor control settings, and the result you’re aiming to achieve.
The best approach is to use your ears and meters to determine the right ratio for each sound. There are also general tips to help you find a starting point when setting the compressor ratio. Consider these compressor ratio basics:
Note : To get technical, there is also a math equation for calculating the output of a compressor. However, best to use your ears and meters when making informed decisions.
Understanding the compressor ratio control is essential. Learning how the different compressor settings work together will help you achieve the best results. Also, remember to listen carefully while applying compression. And, use compression with caution. Aggressive compressor settings can adversely affect the tone, punch, clarity, and presence of an audio source.