This guide introduces the Ableton Live Vocoder effect and shows you how to use it on vocals and drums. You’ll learn how to set up the device, create classic robotic vocal effects, and layer drum sounds.
Ableton Live ‘s vocoder is a versatile effect that modulates incoming signals in creative ways. It can shift frequency formants, generate harmonic distortion, apply synthesized melodies and harmonies to vocals, and much more.
Vocoding uses frequencies of one sound to modulate the frequencies and character of another. The process requires two sound sources to work, a modulator and a carrier.
The modulator source is generally something with a clear rhythmic character such as vocals or drums. The carrier is typically a harmonically-rich synthesizer sound such as a string or pad.
For example, traditional vocoders create the popularized “singing synthesizer” and other robotic voice effects. Daft Punk’s 1997 hit ‘Around the World’ is a familiar example of a classic vocoder sound.
Modulating vocals to get that classic robotic voice sound requires some setup and audio routing. To set this up in Ableton Live:
Note: If you’re drawing MIDI notes into the Note Editor, then try using chords in the same musical key as the vocals for best results. If you’re recording the synthesizer and vocal material in real time, then make sure the Arm button is enabled on both tracks.
The Ableton Live Vocoder comes equipped with several sound-shaping controls. Try experimenting with them to dial in the effect further. Here is a brief breakdown of some controls that will improve the results:
Enhance: Vocoder’s output often loses high-end and clarity when using external carrier sources. Enabling the Enhance button brightness the sound by normalizing the carrier’s frequencies and dynamics.
Unvoiced: This control adjusts the volume of a noise generator, which resynthesizes portions of the modulator signal. Adjusting this control will also add brightness and clarity.
Filter Bank: Vocoder’s central display shows the levels of the individual bandpass filters. Click and drag them to attenuate these levels. This feature also works as a built-in EQ. However, it is often easier to use a separate EQ to shape the sound.
Bands: This chooser sets the number of filters that affect the sound. Higher number bands sound more clear while lower bands sound more distorted. This example is set to 40 bands for greater clarity.
Precise/Retro: This switch toggles between two filter types. Precise mode sounds wider, more full, and sometimes bass heavy. Whereas Retro mode sounds narrower and louder at higher frequencies.
Depth: This control sets how much of the modulator’s amplitude envelope is applied to the carrier’s signal. At 0%, you will only hear the processed synthesizer. 200% only plays the high amplitude peaks of the vocal. 100% combines them resulting in classic vocoding.
Attack and Release: The Attack control sets how quickly Vocoder responds to amplitude changes. Release adjusts how long the filter bands will hold their amplitude before dropping to zero.
Formant: This control shifts the carrier’s filterbank frequencies up or down. For example, Formant changes alter the apparent gender of the source. Lower values sound deep like a male while higher values sound brighter like a female.
The Ableton Live Vocoder has several creative uses other than treating vocals. In particular, Vocoder works great at enhancing drums and percussion using its noise oscillator. This Carrier type is useful for layering drums with white noise to thicken them up, give them more character, and help them cut through the mix better. Moreover, this layering technique works especially good on hi-hats and snares.
When treating drums with Vocoder, you can either insert the device directly into the tracks device chain or run the effect in parallel with an Audio Effect Rack or return track.
For this example, we’ll set up an Audio Effect Rack and run Vocoder on a parallel chain to treat a snare. This technique makes it easy to blend the harmonic/timbral signal with the original. Moreover, this approach allows you to go wild with the processed signal while preserving the rhythm and dynamics of the original signal. Let’s look at how to set this up in Ableton Live:
The Vocoder techniques outlined in this guide are only two of many other creative uses. This multipurpose effect can be used to manipulate all types of audio in various ways. It is encouraged to experiment with it and unlock its vast potential.